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Streamlining Air Quality Assessments with Software Database

Air Quality Assessments require a lot of data from many sources, a process that is tedious and time-consuming for consultants. To save consultant time spent on data retrieval and to improve decision making, we have built a centralised database to store all necessary data. The following are just a few examples of how it is used in our software and the benefits it offers:

Monitoring Data:

Every local authority in the UK uploads air quality monitoring data via Annual Status Reports (ASRs). With 382 local authorities, accessing and managing this data every assessment is a lengthy process.

How our database helps:
  • Automated retrieval and updates: We extract and store all of this data so consultants can enjoy the automated retrieval of data. By implementing tools such as website tracking and data expiry, we are able to easily keep everything up to date.

  • Interactive mapping: The software presents monitoring sites on interactive maps with layers such as AQMAs, satellite imagery and monitoring info. This makes choosing the most representative stations a lot easier and enables consultants to always pick the best monitoring stations for the site, even if they are situated next to several local authority boundaries. 

Traffic Data:

When traffic flows aren’t provided, consultants rely on sources like DfT (Department for Transport) and LAEI (London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory).

How our database helps:
  • Closest Source Detection: The software automatically retrieves the closest, most representative traffic sources and assign these values to road links in our model. 

  • Comprehensive Traffic Flow Mapping: It provides the user with traffic flows for all roads within the vicinity the development. This allows the user to easily observe which roads have the largest contributions so can take priority when modelling. 

  • Automated Traffic Network Suggestions: Using traffic flows, site and monitoring locations, it can provide a network of suggested roads - freeing up time from manually adding each road. Consultants are left to add or remove links based on professional judgement. 

Background Pollution Data:

Defra background concentrations are used in several areas of the assessment including modelling, various tools and the report. 

How our database helps:
  • No Data Loss: The software prevents users having to repeatedly enter information throughout the course of the assessment. It decreases the time to manually enter this data and reduces the possibility of human error. 

  • Sector Removal Grid Maps: By providing a background grid map layer, users can easily identify and remove sectors that are being modelled. 

Transform Your Air Quality Assessments Today:

The software database not only saves time but when all data sources are presented together, it gives the user a holistic view of the assessment. It allows consultants to make more informed decisions, much more easily.  AQS provides ongoing management and maintenance for the Air Quality Assessment Software database. This means consultants can eliminate repetitive data retrieval tasks and concentrate on delivering high-quality assessments.

Learn more about our air quality software and how it can streamline your assessments.

User interface of the Air Quality Solutions software displaying a map with various markers indicating monitoring locations. Markers are color-coded to represent different types of monitoring data: green for diffusion tubes, orange for automatic monitoring stations, and red for selected or most representative sites. A Google Street View panel on the right shows the corresponding location. Below the map are green buttons labeled 'Site Inputs,' 'Dispersion Model Inputs,' and 'Submit.' Navigation tabs at the top include options like 'Run Assessment,' 'Alter Database,' and 'Quote Generator.'
Monitoring page in User Interface of Software

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