121 - 125 Chesterton Road, Cambridge
Job: Air Quality Dust Management Plan (AQDMP)
Development: Part-demolition of existing building and provision of mixed use scheme
Client: Capital Group London
Switch, Port Talbot
Job: Air Quality Impact Assessment
Development: Mixed development consist of a mix of office space, laboratories, research and production area and external works.
Client: Morgan Sindall
100 Borough High Street, Southwark
Job: Air Quality Assessment & Air Quality Neutral Assessment
Development: Demolition of exiting building and construction of replacement office
Client: Citylake Investment
Warehouse Living, Harringay
Job: Air Quality Assessment & Air Quality Neutral Assessment
Development: Mixed development comprising 2 new warehouse living buildings and commercial development
Client: Provewell
London Road, Barking
Job: Air Quality Assessment & Air Quality Neutral Assessment
Development: Demolition of the existing building and redevelopment to provide 196
residential units and mixed use scheme
Client: Barryvale Limited
Milton Manor, Canterbury
Job: Air Quality Assessment & Emission Mitigation Statement
Development: Demolition of existing house and construction of 90 - 95 residential dwellings
Client: CCH Build Solutions
Grange Farm, Bovingdon
Job: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Development: Construction of 203 residential units and 1.5ha of land for community uses
Client: Taylor Wimpey
49-51 Broadway, Stratford
Job: Air Quality Assessment & Air Quality Neutral Assessment
Development: Conversion office space into a 14 unit house of multiple occupation and 4 flats
Client: Oculos Arcitect